
Menuiserie rétaise

since 2019

Marmé is a top-of-the-range woodworking shop located for more than 40 years in l’Île de Ré, a French island off the coast of La Rochelle. About twenty craftsmen woodworkers create, rethink and renovate exceptional spaces, giving wood all the grandeur it deserves. Their attention to detail and unique signature reveal and beautify places with natural charm.

The objective: to create an interactive portfolio by developing a specific web platform to offer the artisans of Marmé a presentation tool worthy of the work they do: simple and refined.

consulting   photography   website

This project is the very expression of sphynx’s model: from the initial needs assessment to the development of the web platform, including artistic direction and photography: only two talents have been involved in the realization of this project. That’s what a tailor-made service is all about, without superfluous resources, where each participant is relevant.
